* Note: next day shipping refers to the next business day. If you order next day shipping after business hours the order will be processed at the start of the next day. Where next day shipping is not available to a location through our usual courier companies (Couriers please, Allied Express, Fastway, Inexpress Domestic, TNT, and TNT Overnight Express) the fastest option may be used.
* Note: Due to COVID-19 delays may be experienced in shipping. This is outside of our control. No warranty is provided if your delivery arrives late.
* Note: Shipping and delivery times provided on this site are a guide (estimate) only, NOT A GUARANTEE! During some times delivery times may be longer due to a range of factors such as when you order, if there are already other orders ahead of you etc… For Melbourne Immediate delivery, call after placing your order to ensure that your order is delivered as fast as possible.